I give talks on my historical novels, on my vegetarian cookbook, on writing and publishing, on baseball history, and about my children’s books.
Historical Novels
My colorful book presentations about The Sceptre, The Labyrinth, and The Treskel have delighted groups in states up and down the Eastern seaboard. Universities, libraries, and book clubs have all scheduled presentations of these historical novels. I have even spoken in bookstores.

At these book events I wear (and explain) an Austrian costume and Keltic jewelry. I show transparencies related to the book, and I bring large posterboards with photos of people, places, and objects featured in the books. Please have an overhead projector ready for use with the transparencies I show. If it’s feasible, I employ Austrian and Gaelic music as background. I always bring handouts that offer supporting information about the books.
People who purchase a book after the presentation receive the pen with which I have autographed their copy of the book.
Vegetarian Cookbook
Health food stores, libraries, and university food study classrooms are places where I have presented illustrated speeches on Meatless Meat: A Book of Recipes for Meat Substitutes. Please furnish an overhead projector on which I can show transparencies related to this presentation.
On these occasions I bring handouts that include instructional material and recipes as well as (noncommercial) soy product samples. In addition, I bring food samples for tasting, or I furnish recipes to the host’s chef so that samples can be prepared for me.
Please reserve time at the end of the presentation for those who want to buy copies of the book. People who buy books receive the pen with which I have autographed their copies.
I have accepted invitations from universities and from privately-sponsored writing classes as well as writers’ organizations to give presentations on writing and/or publishing. I bring published books to show, and I use transparencies (please furnish an overhead projector). Handouts with additional information are distributed.
Baseball History
I have spoken on baseball history at conferences and conventions of baseball historians as well as at Elderhostel classes. In my presentations I use transparencies (please furnish an overhead projector), and I show baseball books and objects. Handouts with additional information are distributed.
Please reserve time at the end for those who wish to purchased copies of my autobiography or want me to send them autographed copies of any of the three Seymour books of baseball history.
Children’s Books
My presentations on children’s books are different from the others in that they are reserved for children and their parents. Preschoolers, kindergarteners, and first-graders are welcome. At these presentations I get down to the children’s level and read my republished children’s books to them. Afterwards, we talk about the books and what they liked.
Following the presentation, parents who want to purchase any of the books may have them autographed for their children.
To schedule any type of book event:
Email: dorothyjanemills1@gmail.com
Phone/fax: 239-596-2842
Mail: 6935 Carlisle Court, Apt. C 142, Naples, FL 34109